Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Earth Hour and the Green Life

When I logged on to Twitter last night (and you can follow me as Piaffedreams there) I was interested to see something called "Earth Hour" as a trending topic. So, I clicked the links, ran a Google search and wrote down a brief synopsis of what I learned to share with others.

There are a number of disputes about the reality of global climate change. However, fewer disagreements exist about the upcoming energy crisis and the amount of pollution emitted by the burning of fossil fuels. Regardless of the scientific data one clings to depending on which side of the climate change fence they sit, this event is a sure commitment to energy conservation and reduction in pollution.

To find out more about Earth Hour, visit this LINK.

The Urban Homestead

Want to cut living expenses? Are you concerned about the "carbon footprint" your household leaves? What to find a little slice of country living in the city? Want to give your children healthy activities that promote responsibility?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, then you are likely to be interested in Urban Homesteading.

Check out this introduction: What is Urban Homesteading?

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I'm a lucky girl who gets to live in an area that is semi-rural. Suburban sprawl is however creeping in all around. For the moment, I'm able to enjoy a few acres of land. However, I'm in the planning stages of moving into a suburban neighborhood and will be taking with me my habits for green living, along with my deep interest in sustainable living.

Smaller spaces still have potential for homesteading. Urban and suburban agriculture not only impacts both the family ecology and economy as well as the local and global one.... all for good!

Please stay tuned for an interesting blog on ways you too can live more sustainably even in a suburban environment.